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Vosginisme & Randonnée
3 novembre 2014

heklAa, Acte II

Juste pour vous signaler que celui que j'avais surnommé "le musicien du Hohneck" dans une interview sur ce présent blog datée du 28 Février 2013, Sébastien Touraton, vient de sortir son second album sous le nom de heklAa. 


Si les rondeurs sommitales des Ballons des Vosges n'ont pas été sa source d'inspiration pour la composition et la réalisation de cet opus, force est de reconnaître qu'il eût été dommage de ne pas vous faire partager ce chef d'oeuvre réalisé par cet Alsacien installé dans la vallée de Munster.

Si les noms de Miles Davis, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, The Bad Plus, Sigur Ros, Keith Jarrett, Mogwai vous enivrent à leur seule évocation, je ne saurais que trop vous conseiller de vous plonger dans le fascinant univers de "My Name Is John Murdoch" librement inspiré du film "Dark City".

Le lien pour l'écoute:

Une vidéo pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas se passer d'images:


Et une critique fraîchement rédigée par le site "The sirens sound" pour ceux qui veulent tester leurs connaissances en anglais:


heklAa’s newest title [ My Name Is John Murdoch ] which is the follow-up album of [ Songs In F ] disentangled an artistic rhymes colliding with post-classical universe in an explosive manner. Strangely different, yet aggressively beautiful with piano keys administering the record’s melodic groundwork all the way, this new title is about to find a special place in every listeners heart. I usually don’t say the following on albums that come my way for reviews but this new release reflect so much to being exactly what I look for in an album that it makes it difficult for me to review. I am so overwhelmed with its beauty and its shining facets that the sound literally takes my focus away from writing. That’s how gorgeous [ My Name Is John Murdoch ] is.

The most compensating and refreshing part of heklAa’s work on this new release is the integration-flow in which he assembles various conventional and unconventional sounds all together. Yes… while most of the part, the artist focusses on seductive background piano keys and by that I am referring to the dark one’s, coupled with long and constant rhythmic guitars on the front-end with echoing drums and crashing waves, reminiscent to the likes of [ Mamiffer ] and [ Cicada ] at the same time, HeklAa’s sound brings a myriad of emotions in one spot.

This new album attribute so much in terms of sound and atmospheres, themes and colours, emotions and tonalities that it intersects a place where fans of [ Seskamol ], [ The Best Pessimist ], [ Line Gate ] and even extremist minded [ Godspeed You! Black Emperor ] and [ 65DOS ] fans will all enjoy. The music is dramatic, epic, melancholy and it contain a bit for everyone. [ My Name Is John Murdoch ] circled around 9 songs, the album opens up with an intro-like piece cleverly title “Générique” and end’s with “Epilogue”, in between there’s seven track in the form of an episode each. Perfect arrangement, must I add.

So guys be ready to embrace [ heklAa’s ] latest album where compositions seem to unravel magically, divulging mysteries at a constant pace that requires neither patience nor tolerance. It is true that sometime music characterized one’s personality and everything you need to know about Sébastien dwells in the very depth on his music itself. The reward on “My Name Is John Murdoch” is a rare manifestation in sound. Aggressively pretty and artfully haunting, undercurrent of profound sadness constantly agitates beneath the surface.

In a nutshell “My Name Is John Murdoch” builds-up progressively in an appealing way and in no time, appearance of soaring guitars, electronic / computerize electronic element in the form of drum hits, and echoing bells are all over the place. Over the next hour you’ll hear melodies battling with noises through and through, constantly trying to find a point of understanding. This struggle between light and dark and these oppositions in the end mostly found a common ground in memorable episodes of fascinating scene. Once again, for the 2nd time on [ heklAa’s ] releases ( Straight 10 Out Of 10 ).

Profitez-en, car je parle rarement de musique sur ce blog ;)

Merci pour la découverte ! :)
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